Did you know that MODE is 100% woman-owned?
The U.S. has 12.3 million women-owned businesses and MODE is one of them! We are dedicated to helping women and families by supporting local charities and giving back to our community.

Our Story
In 2010, our owner, Lauren Elmore, opened her first resale shop in Downtown Durham. Shortly thereafter, in 2011, she opened a second location in Raleigh’s Village District. Over the last decade we have worked hard to take resale to the next level. Our business model of only accepting high quality designer and name-brand merchandise easily sets us apart from other consignment operations.
MODE provides a place for people to buy and sell clothing and accessories, thereby reducing waste while also keeping on trend at an affordable price. We strive to not only be a place to shop, but also a store that builds relationships with customers and provides an inclusive, enjoyable environment for people to browse high-quality designer merchandise.
MODE is very supportive within the community. We have hosted and participated in several local fashion shows. We regularly donate to local non-profit charities that support domestic violence victims and serve under-employed and unemployed women in the Triangle Area. Our mission is to give back and support our community while reducing waste by recycling gently loved items. Throughout the years MODE has won several awards including Best of the Triangle by INDY Week and Best of Durham Award by Durham Magazine. We are also a proud member of NARTS: The Association of Resale Professionals.

“Love this place! Great prices for high end clothing. Shopping secondhand is great for the environment and the clothes are so stylish. I can find Lululemon, Tory Burch, J Crew and Free People. This store is great for work attire on a budget as well.”
– Karli W.